

The main keyword for Eagle is Spirit. It's the connection from the physical realm to the divine spiritual realm where we are remaining balanced between the two. Anytime I see Eagle or something representing Eagle come into my awareness I know that my spiritual guides are trying to communicate a message to me of courage and perspective. This message is of the Air Element which represents the higher mind. It may be time you start to trust your connection with Spirit. Eagle shows us that reality works on a rhythm of highs and lows. Would you even know what the high moments of life felt like without the lows? Eagle may be asking you to find your courage and rise above your current situation of the physical realm and see it from a higher perspective of the divine - To realize that the flow of life is in a rhythm of highs and lows. The low times will pass, as will the highs, change is constant. Perhaps Spirit is testing you right now? Soar with the divine and co-create your reality without your personal fear controlling you. Follow your heart and do what you know is best and you'll be sure to pass the test of being balanced between the highs and the lows of life - trusting your spiritual connection!  Eagle is reminding you that you are never alone and to never forget your connection to Spirit and all things. All answers can be found through this connection, embrace it and accept the challenge to face your fears! All is One, you are never alone!