
Elder Futhark Rune Meanings - TIWAZ

Tiwaz Rune Meaning: The god Tyr - "God"
Alternative Names
Anglo-Friesian/Germanic: Tiwaz
Old Norse: Tiw, Tyr
Old English: Tir, Tyr
Other Names/Spellings: Teiwaz, Tiwar, Ty, Tys

Tiwaz equates to the letter T in our common alphabet.

The Tiwaz rune represents morality and honor. In Norse mythology, the god Tyr  sacrificed a hand to prevent chaos and destruction. Tyr is noted for his sense of duty and ethical responsibilities. Tyr serves the spiritual warrior who combats the universal enemy: self-ignorance, the ultimate source of suffering. The spiritual warrior archetype helps to constructively answer questions to raise awareness and give healthy direction to contemplate Self. This rune symbolizes sacrifice of one's personal interests or well being for the sake of others and or a greater purpose for the whole.

From the historical rune poems about Tiwaz we get:
An Anglo Saxon Rune Poem translated says: “Tir” is a guiding star; well does it keep faith with princes; it is ever on its course over the mists of night and never fails.

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This is the rune of challenges and initiations into new understandings. Have courage as victory is assured if your heart remains true. Keywords: spiritual warrior, honor, righteousness, courage, bravery, dedication

This video contains one of my rune poems that can be used for meditation with the energy of Tiwaz.
Blessings ~Sigha Manning


Elder Futhark Rune Meanings - SOWILO

Rune Meaning Sowilo - "Sun"
Alternative Names
Anglo-Friesian/Germanic: Sowilo
Old Norse: Sol, Sunna
Old English: Sigil, Sigel
Other Names/Spellings: Sighel, Sigo, Sil, Sowela, Sowilu, Sowelu, Solwulo

Sowilo equates to the letter S in our common alphabet.

The rune sowilo is the rune of the sun. To the Norse, the sun was known as ‘Sunna’ or ‘Sol’ and was considered feminine. The sun’s light and warmth supports life and growth. Sowilu stimulates spiritual awakening as a life giving force to new understanding, this runic energy creates awareness and pushes someone going through the stages of an awakening. The energy of this rune encourages one to take on a positive attitude and move forward along their pathway. Sowilo reminds us to catch the rays of the sun when we can to bask in the sunshine. The warmth from the healing rays of the sun charge us with energy to achieve goals that seemed impossible.

From the historical rune poems about Sowilo we get:
The Anglo Saxon rune poem translated tells us: "Sun is ever a joy in the hopes of seafarers when they journey away over the fishes' bath, until the course of the deep bears them to land."

Sowilo is the rune for awakening and boosting extra energy to achieve goals, make dreams come true. Stay in contact with your heart flame. Keywords: hope, success, goals, guidance, enlightenment, self, soul, the sun, wholeness, life force, spiritual awakening and consciousness

This video contains one of my rune poems that can be used for meditation with the energy of Sowilo.


Elder Futhark Rune Meanings - ALGIZ

Rune Meaning Algiz - "Elk"
Alternative Names
Anglo-Freisian/ Germanic: Algiz
Old Norse: Yr
Old English: Eolh
Other names/spellings: Elhaz, Algir, Algis, Elgr

Algiz equates to the letter Z in our common alphabet.

The rune of Algiz depicts a person with arms upraised or the elk's antlers. The rune Algiz was commonly carved into objects within and around the home as a mark of protection and sanctuary from harm. Algiz serves the physical world without presence or form. The energy of this rune can be referred to as the soul, spirits, or the divine. It is said that the soul is the incorporeal part of men and within many conceptions, the immortal essence of a person, living thing, or object. This rune connects our mortal Self with our higher Self, creating a divine cord straight to source energy where we can relax our mind, feel safe and charge ourselves again with energy.

From the historical rune poems about Algiz we get:
The Anglo Saxon rune poem translated tells us: "Elk-sedge is mostly to be found in a marsh; it grows in the water and makes a ghastly wound, covering with blood every warrior who touches it."

Algiz is the rune used for protection of the Self through out all layers of existence. Keeping space to move towards a goal or like a fork pinch you when falling asleep while rest is not needed. 
Keywords: higher self, sanctuary, intuition, instinct, divination, protection

This video contains one of my rune poems that can be used for meditation with the energy of Algiz.